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Gary Troia
Publisher: Dawn Publications
Pages: 33

Top #10 Amazon Bestseller In Books>Spain>BasqueGet Your Copy of This Fantastic Spanish Short Story Collection"Author, Gary cements growing reputation...A collection of short stories that give a humorous account of life in a new country." (Salina Patel, The Hounslow Chronicle)"I liked the fact that some of the short stories in this collection were connected and followed on from each other, but at the same time they are stand alone. Great for people like me who are slow readers, I can read a whole story on the train to work and not have to wait all day for the ending." (Carol Wiggins)"I really enjoyed reading these short stories, they are easy to read. I would have liked it if there were more stories!" (Maria, Goodreads)In this short story collection, Gary Troia shares his adventures and memoirs from his travels in Spain. A Total of 9 Stories Including:How Not To Travel To The Alhambra ...
Amazon Rating:
3.5 stars from 11 ratings