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Chris Hambleton
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: N/A

This is a specially-priced set of two of my science fiction novels: "Endeavor in Time" and "The Exchange".ENDEAVOR IN TIMEFive years after the Challenger disaster, NASA launched their newest space shuttle, Endeavor, in a dramatic return to space. But several moments after lift-off, Endeavor exploded over the ocean, taking the lives of all its crew members, and killing the United States' space program. It's 2009, seventeen years after the Endeavor tragedy in 1992, and NASA has been made part of the Department of Defense. America's civilian space program has been permanently discontinued for over fifteen years. Daniel Marks, the Chief Programmer at a research facility in New Mexico, is working on a cutting-edge electromagnetic device. While developing the controller software for the device, an accident occurs and he suddenly finds himself back in his old life in 1992. With his unique ...
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