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Julia Underwood
ASIN: B00E5J79N8
Publisher: Lume Books
Pages: 97

London, 1940.A city is at war, and under siege. When Eve Duncan stumbles upon the body of a dead girl, she is shocked - but no one else seems very concerned. With the imminent threat of invasion by the Germans, and bombing by the Luftwaffe, no one has the time to concern themselves with the death of a Polish girl.But Eve is determined to find out what happened.As all the young men have left to fight, there is a shortage of staff at the police station, and they happily let Eve take charge of the case.Who is the mysterious girl?Why was she killed?Has her murder got something to do with the War Effort? Or was it just A Murder of No Account?'A Murder of No Account' is an gripping murder mystery set during wartime London. It is perfect for fans of Philip Kerr and Alan Furst.'A real page-tuner, which captures the atmosphere of WWII London perfectly.' - Robert Foster, best-selling author of ...
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4 stars from 31 ratings