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Guy Hadleigh
Publisher: Guy Hadleigh
Pages: 68

*ALSO AVAILABLE AS PART OF A BOX SET*Do you like true crime stories?What about real crime committed by women?You may not have heard much about some of these bad women, but they were real and ruthlessAll had their "15 minutes of fame" leaving trails of death and mayhem behind themTheir escapades were daring and reckless and many paid the ultimate price in the end*Radiant Jade - Mat Hari of the EastTraitor to her native China, assassin and spy for the Japanese, Radiant Jade was the daughter of a Manchu prince and the mistress of murder and intrigue so sinister that 300 million Chinese thought she was the devil incarnate.*Belle Gunness - Americas First Female Serial KillerArch murderess Belle Gunness carved a niche all of her own in the hall of infamy. Suspected of killing up to 40 men, women and children (including her own), she put murder on an assembly line basis in her relentless ...
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4 stars from 15 ratings