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Susan Keene
Publisher: Stray Dog Press, LLC.
Pages: 331

Ian Michaels is an unlikeable man. A wealthy attorney who handles estates and wills so he doesn't have to get his hands dirty. He's a selfish, self-centered, adulterer whose personal comfort is the most important thing in his life.For reasons he doesn't yet understand, a young killer demands Michaels defend him on a multiple murder charge. It upsets Ian's perfect life yet he takes the case to save face.The young insane boy, Kenny Johnson, is Ian's first encounter with the seedy side of life. He sits riveted as Kenny's sister, recounts the horrible punishments the boy subjected her to over the years. Michael contends with Kenny's cowardly father and abusive step-mother. The boy's real mother is a religious zealot and as crazy as he is.It takes a horrendous event for Ian Michael to realize he does care about someone outside himself.
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 37 ratings