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Krista "KK" Mounsey, 50 Things To Know
Publisher: 50 Things to Know Books
Pages: 36

Do you want to journal but need some tips? Have you been keeping a journal for years but want to get more out of it?Do you need some encouragement to keep journaling? If you answered yes to any of these questions then this book is for you...50 Things To Know About Journal Writing by Krista "KK" Mounsey offers an approach to how to use journaling as a stress relieving activity. Journaling can be a way of self-therapy. The process gives you the opportunity to sit quietly and reflect on what is going on in your life and how you feel about it. Based on knowledge from the world's leading experts, journaling has been proven to be a great way to work through negative emotions and experiences. Also, journaling is a great way to record the happenings in your life for future generations. In these pages you'll discover tips on getting started and keeping your steam. You'll get encouragement that ...
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