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Alan Reeder-Camponi
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Pages: 108

Thai women are special. If you don't believe this, please explain to me why men come to Thailand from all over the world to enjoy Thai women and possibly take them home with them. I suggest it's a combination of how Thai culture is reflected in their character ... and how well put together they are. Laos, Cambodia and Indonesia are all SE Asian countries full of available and attractive women who are looking for someone to help them move toward a better life. But it's Thailand that gets all the action. Thai culture somehow turns out women with a strong appeal to foreign men.This book is intended to help a foreign man better understand something of the worldview of most Thai women. I have known a Thai woman for four years and been married to her for three. She has six sisters. All seven women have different personalities but all seven share some Thai-ness. It would be a mistake to ...
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4 stars from 37 ratings