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Michael Richan
Publisher: Dantull
Pages: 288

"One of the most exciting new series!"Deep in the forests of the Pacific Northwest lies the haunted Unser Estate. A group of individuals with “the gift” assemble to find out what lurks inside the mansion, gathered by a local real estate agent who is certain the estate is the reason the nearby town is failing.At first, Steven and Roy are hesitant to work with unfamiliar people, but with their good friend Eliza, all three become committed to helping the others determine why the Unser mansion is poisoning the community. They quickly learn that things are not as they seem.A simple team effort to rid the estate of hauntings soon turns into a nightmare as the group is betrayed and suffers attacks by strange, mysterious forces. Leaving the house becomes impossible as they become trapped inside by the deadly Marchers who patrol the grounds. Dark secrets await in the hidden rooms of the mansion ...
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 162 ratings