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Kevin Lucia, Darkly Dreaming Press
Publisher: Darkly Dreaming Press
Pages: 22

Today in Clifton Heights, two brothers explore Old Bassler House, which sits abandoned and decrepit on the edge of town, and encounter a cosmic horror from beyond the pale..."Kevin Lucia's writing is both scary and smart, a lethal cocktail that makes for mesmerizing storytelling." -- Tosca Lee, New York Times Bestselling Author of Demon: A Memoir "Lucia is a true craftsman of the horror story, with a fine sense of the genre's best traditions." -- Norman Prentiss, Bram Stoker Award-winning author of Invisible Fences and The Fleshless Man "Lucia writes tales that stick with you, that are memorable. And believe me, they are the best kind." -- Bram Stoker Award Winning Author, USA Today Bestseller Tom Monteleone
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 1 rating