Maureen Humphries
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Pages: 123
The stress we usually hear and read about, and indeed experience ourselves as a widespread phenomenon of modern life, is most often the harmful, negative variety. We tend to associate it with disagreeable situations like getting held up in a traffic jam, overworking, or losing a job, and with unpleasant physical manifestations such as headache or even a heart attack.The good news is that stress has a positive side too. In fact stress is all about energy, and as such can perhaps best be described as a dynamic, stimulating and motivating life-force. Life without it would be unbearably dull and featureless - indeed, in a totally stress-free existence nothing would ever be achieved! Any activity requiring effort creates stress, which can be seen, therefore, as a vital spur and incentive. It is stress in one form or another that literally gets us going - out of bed in the morning; across the ...