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Tony Wilson
Publisher: OilyRag Publishing
Pages: 30

Neck Pain Management Made Incredibly Easy!!Are you one of the multitudes of people suffer from persistent, nagging neck pain.Looking for neck pain relief? Then look no further. These tips are a combination of acupressure, stretches and self-massage that I have developed over the past 16 years working as a massage therapist.In this book you will read about 9 simple steps that you can incorporate into your daily life to alleviate your neck pain. These tips are a combination of acupressure, stretches and self-massage that I have developed over the past 16 years working as a massage therapist.First you will gain an understanding of why your neck gets tight and sore in the first place. For most people this boils down to a combination of poor posture and daily stress. Once you are aware of the causes of your pain. You can take steps to mange these causes.Written in an easy to understand ...
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