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J.D. Trafford
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 798

All three best-selling legal thrillers featuring Michael Collins are now available in one boxed set for one discounted price.Like John Grisham and D.W. Buffa, award-winning author J.D. Trafford created a smart legal thriller that keeps the reader turning pages. J.D. Trafford is the winner of the National Legal Fiction Writing Competition for Lawyers, a "writer of merit" according to Mystery Scene magazine, and his debut novel was selected as "An IndieReader Top 10 Best Seller Pick."The series begins with "No Time To Run." After Michael Collins has burned his suits and ties in a beautiful bonfire, he leaves New York and takes up residence at Hut No. 7 in a run-down Mexican resort. He dropped-out, giving up a future of billable hours and big law firm paychecks. But, there are millions of dollars missing from a client's account and a lot of people who want Michael Collins to come back. ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 58 ratings