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Vernon Coleman
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 377

`He's the Lone Ranger, Robin Hood and the Equalizer rolled into one.' - Glasgow Evening TimesVernon Coleman explains why things are never again going to be the way they used to be. He deals with banking, immigration, the economy, the benefits system, the EU, the nanny State,overpaid bosses, inflation, our bonus culture, disappearing privacy, our creaking infrastructure, the ever more complicated tax system, education, public sector worker pensions, commodity shortages and endless wars. He explains, in short, why Britain is well and truly stuffed. In order to survive we all have to know what is happening - and why.'If I had to choose an all-time journalist to admire it would have to be without doubt, the often controversial, always knowledgeable and usually witty, Vernon Coleman. But he is much more than a journalist, of whom few, if any, could claim to have written over 90 books in a ...
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