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Juliann Farnsworth
Publisher: MindAspire
Pages: 308

From the author of This Side of Forever and The Spring of Eternity comes this fast paced, mystery thriller, action adventure, time travel, romance, science fiction novel. Time Storm Shockwave rocks with excitement and will keep your heart pounding all the way to the end!Based on real science and urban legend, this story will take twists and turns never dreamed of before. As the characters seek to unlock the secrets and mysteries under the sea in the Bermuda Triangle (AKA Devil's Triangle), while being pursued by an unknown enemy, the world will be pummeled with unrelenting disasters, which will come from space and from deep within the core of the earth. The dangers are real and even now, scientists are predicting their unprecedented consequences, some of which have already begun to happen. Undersea pyramids, the lost city of Atlantis, genetic engineering, conspiracies, and earthquakes ...
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 22 ratings