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Vernon Coleman
ASIN: B00K561O7M
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 249

The Truth Kills by Dr Vernon Coleman (who is himself a doctor) is the story of Harry Cassidy, a middle aged GP, and Molly Tranter, a young trainee doctor. Cassidy is a hard drinking, cynical bachelor who lives on malt whisky and pub food and puts two aspirin into a glass of whisky if he has a headache. He has fallen out of love with himself, with medicine and with life itself but his feelings of passion and purpose are rekindled by Dr Tranter, a well informed trainee who fights a courageous battle against the medical establishment on a point of principle. Cassidy is won over by her honesty and integrity and rediscovers why he became a doctor. The Truth Kills is a constantly surprising medical drama which explores the bizarre and frequently hilarious experiences of a busy GP who hates bureaucracy, social workers and his own greedy partners, while explaining how spiritual redemption can ...
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 44 ratings