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Remington Kane
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 233

From REMINGTON KANEThe author of The Taken! & Tanner SeriesPARKER & KNIGHTWhen beautiful, nineteen-year-old Tiffany Grace is found murdered inside the house next door, Detectives Rick Parker and Joanna Knight are brought in to investigate.What they find is a tangled web of love, lies and infidelity between the homeowners, Alex and Mandy Kent, and their young neighbors, murder victim, Tiffany Grace, and her handsome brother, Steve.As Parker wades through the Kents' marital woes, he also has to deal with his own, as his marriage comes to a close.Did Alex Kent kill Tiffany, a young woman he lusted for deeply?Or did Mandy Kent kill her, to keep her from her husband?The truth is even more twisted than Parker and Knight could have imagined.
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 83 ratings