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C.K. Murray
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 47

Hit the DThe facts are astounding. Nearly 1 billion people across the world suffer from vitamin D deficiency. Their energy levels are depleted, their moods are diminished, their general daily living, compromised. And for the most part, they haven't a clue...The healing powers of sunlight are incredible. Science now shows that virtually every common health problem afflicting our globe is significantly reduced by getting optimal levels of the sunshine vitamin D3. High blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, allergies, depression, and even cancer can all be treated through Vitamin D. Getting enough vitamin D is the key to healthy, happy living.“Vitamin D Explained - The Incredible, Healing Powers of Sunlight” includes:What is vitamin d?Is vitamin d a vitamin or a hormone?Why is vitamin d so important?How does vitamin d improve health and vitality?What factors prevent vitamin d ...
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