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Patty Apostolides
Publisher: Patty Apostolides
Pages: 418

Beautiful Ipatia lives with her grandfather on the idyllic Greek island of Lipsi, where she follows the traditions of the Greek islanders. However, there is one tradition that she is determined to defy, and that is marriage. With her grandfather's blessing, she leaves for Piraeus, where she will live with her aunt while attending university.Just before her trip, Ipatia is rescued from a snake by handsome Tony, a Greek tycoon's son. He is smitten by her, but she is determined to go through with her education. Circumstances bring Ipatia and Tony together and their attraction grows. However, obstacles get in the way of their love, separating them. Ipatia leaves for America, determined to get her college degree. Will their love be strong enough to transcend the boundaries of distance and time?
Amazon Rating:
3.5 stars from 24 ratings