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R.J. Grieve
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 312

The remote hamlet of Port Cuan nestles on a northern shore at the foot of mighty sea cliffs that shelter it from the ravages of wind, Atlantic waves, and largely from time itself.When one of its houses comes up for sale, the residents brace themselves for the intrusion of a stranger into their idyllic existence. They discover that the newcomer is Gavin Pendry, once a famous travel writer, and are puzzled as to why he should come to live in such a remote place.Molly, Port Cuan's self-appointed soothsayer, is convinced he is running away from a dark secret in his past, and her fears seem justified when the new arrival behaves suspiciously by deliberately shunning all contact with his neighbours.Laura, a local artist, sets out to discover the reason for this, and Gavin finds himself drawn against his will into the eccentric community that is Port Cuan. He soon discovers that his ...
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