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Thomas Hardy
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
Pages: 558

Jude the Obscure was the last of Thomas Hardy’s novels, created at the peak of his literary powers. It is perhaps his most revered – and controversial work. When the novel first appeared in 1895, its critical reception was so negative that Hardy resolved never to write again. Jude savagely criticized the Britain he lived in: the education system, social mobility and the institute of marriage. The book introduced one of the first feminist characters in English literature the intellectual, free-spirited Sue Bridehead.The eponymous Jude Fawley attempts to improve his lot in life through education but tragedy and misadventure thwart his every step. The novel explores several themes of social unrest, especially concerning the institutions of marriage, Christianity, and the university. Although the central characters represent both perspectives, the novel as a whole is firmly critical of ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 629 ratings