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Lorraine Murray
ASIN: B00M476A3S
Publisher: Connected Kids Ltd
Pages: 259

Mindful skills can offer children and teens the ability to manage stress and support self-regulation.Following the international success of ‘Calm Kids’, author and meditation expert, Lorraine E Murray, offers an informative and creative guide that teaches a range of practical and mindful activities to help young people with SEN/Autism/ADHD or anxiety.The book is ideal for professionals or parents/carers who have young people with additional support needs and are looking for inspiration through mindful and creative ways to help with self-regulation and relaxation.This innovative guide will help the readerunderstand how meditation can support brain development, emotional intelligence, and improved learninglearn how to adapt meditation styles and practices to accommodate children with SENsupport self-soothing and regulation skills to help children reduce anxiety and stresslearn how to use ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 47 ratings