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Zoey Derrick
Publisher: Zoey Derrick Publishing
Pages: 369

"I didn't want to put the book down!" ~ Under the Covers 4 Feather ReviewThis book is a Standalone Full Length Novel of 400+ Pages! ONE WEEK is all it will take...A week in Las Vegas and she will feel better about herself. At least that is what Dacotah Miller is hoping will be the case.Left at the alter, heart broken and ashamed, Dacotah takes the opportunity offered by her girlfriends - the chance to get away. The opportunity to escape her mundane life in the middle of nowhere Wisconsin.But what Dacotah doesn't know is that lurking in Las Vegas is the chance of a lifetime, a dream come true, in the form of Derek Hunter.Derek, in town on business, can't seem to focus on his purpose once Dacotah walks into his field of vision. She beautiful and just what he needs to cure his desire for a good woman in his bed. Only she presents a challenge to him unlike anything he's ever experienced ...
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 108 ratings