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Philipp Winterberg
Publisher: Philipp Winterberg
Pages: 26

Bilingual Children's Book English-Catalan"Am I small?" - Tamia is not sure and keeps asking various animals that she meets on her journey. Eventually she finds the surprising answer...Important NoticeThis eBook is a children's picture book in brilliant Ultra HD quality - please use a device with a color display to read itThis eBook features magnification areas - please use the zoom function of your device to magnify the book's text (usually activated by double-tap or double-click, take a look at the help pages of your device or reading app for details)This eBook is designed for large displays, e.g. tablets or computers - please use a device with a large display (free Kindle reading apps and Kindle Cloud Reader are available for every major tablet and computer)200+ Languages and DialectsThe picture book Am I small? has been translated into over 200 languages and dialects since its ...
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 5 ratings