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C.W. Hambleton
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 318

After six years of a failed presidency, the United States of America teeters on the brink of another collapse – not another economic collapse, but a collapse of confidence in leadership. The healthcare system is in ruins, the borders are undefended against terrorists, the national debt is spiraling out of control, and the political system has grown increasingly disconnected from the American people.When the federal government shuts down over another budget conflict, a group called the Sons of Liberty issues an ultimatum to the Capitol to get their act together – or else. If the House, the Senate, and the President cannot resolve their differences and rein in the out-of-control spending and bureaucracy, violent action will be taken. After the first shot is fired between Homeland Security and the Sons of Liberty, the powder-keg brewing at the capital explodes.As the conflict between ...
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4.5 stars from 6 ratings