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Chris Muller, Luke Muller
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 241

Over half of the world’s adult population consumes alcoholic beverages, some much more than others. Most people know about the visible effects of alcohol but, like a complex cocktail, there is more to liquor than meets the eye or lips.Everything you wanted to know about alcohol is covered in Drink This In, from ancient brews to the latest findings in neurochemistry. The weird and wondrous world of alcohol is pieced together from books, journals, articles and discussions. Intriguing and sometimes unexpected answers are presented with the help of characters as they sip on their favourite drinks, nurse hangovers, or live their varied lives. Discover how alcohol affects the body and mind, the truth behind hangovers, why you should eat broccoli, why bar-rash affects Asians the most, and much more. Uncork the world of alcohol and Drink This In.UK English v2.0
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 7 ratings