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Hannah Alexander
Publisher: Hannah Alexander Books
Pages: 229

She fears she'll be hurt again. He knows he made a big mistake. Thrown back together, will they let their love rekindle?Dr. Joy Gilbert is in a tailspin. Fired for rejecting her employer's advances, she returns to her small hometown only to find her mother desperately ill and her old boss's teenage daughter a stowaway. And with no salary coming in to pay the bills, her sole option is to take a job in the ER with the man who broke her heart.Dr. Zachary Travis lives in quiet anguish. Still single after ending his engagement to the beautiful and devout physician, he regrets believing she betrayed him. And now that the love of his life is suddenly working alongside him in the emergency room, the dedicated doc wonders if he's being offered a second chance.As Joy struggles to deal with the teen's sudden health issues and her mom's severe obesity, the close proximity to her former fiancé ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 189 ratings