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Liane Rich
Publisher: Loving Light Books
Pages: 201

This will be a book educating you on the energy of money, and your own value and love of self as it affects the amount of money that you allow into your life. "I want you to get to a place where you enjoy the flow of money and this will entail you seeing money differently. You will begin to see money as a gift and a pleasure in the same way that you see a flower or a tree as a gift and a pleasure. I want you to shift your perspective about money and begin to nurture it as you would nurture a plant or a collection of fine paintings, or a special gift or talent. Nurture and love money! Love is unconditional acceptance and I wish you to come to a place of unconditional acceptance with money. No longer will you disrespect it, disregard it or misplace it. You will begin to trade it wisely simply because it is valuable to you. Right now you do not value your money. You curse not having enough ...
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 7 ratings