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V.K. Pandey
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 41

TOP SUPER NATURAL WELL-BALANCED VARIETIES FOODS CHECK-LIST TO QUICKLY AND SAFELY LOWER BLOOD SUGAR!This book provides complete details on Type 1 and type 2 Diabetes; Natural Diabetes Well Balanced 1200-1600 Calories Varieties Meal plan Check-list with proven track record to prevent, Reverse and Cure that can Quickly and Safely LOWER BLOOD SUGAR, Blood Glucose Levels, what to eat, what not to eat and the super foods & diet planning to help you through step by step to prevent, cure and lower blood pressure so that you can live a happier, healthier and longer life. Don’t have Kindle? No problem! You can read the Kindle version on other devices- read on your iPhone, iPad, PC, Mac, Android phone, tablet and your Kindle device! Stuck in a meal rut and tired of the same old foods? Do You Want To Lower Your Blood Sugar Naturally?With over 382 million people suffering from diabetes worldwide, it ...
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 8 ratings