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Mara Michaels, Carolyn Stone
Publisher: Eternal Spiral Books,
Pages: 118

Nothing says Autumn quite like a fresh pumpkin. It can be used for decorations and delicious party food as well. Many people carve their pumpkins, but do not make the most of the delicious bounty of nature found inside, from the firm, tasty flesh, to the savory seeds.In this guide, the authors offer a range of suggestions on how to make the most of your pumpkin in the autumn, so that nothing goes to waste. You use cheap, delicious, and pretty pumpkins to enhance any Harvest Time or Thanksgiving celebration.Pumpkins are not just for Halloween, and in fact, many people do not celebrate Halloween. Instead, they might plan harvest gatherings at home or with their family and friends, at school, or other venues in their area, such as churches or community centers. If you are looking for ways to stretch your budget and still enjoy festive foods, you will discover:+how to plan and organize your ...
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