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Charles River Editors
Publisher: Charles River Editors
Pages: 57

*Includes pictures*Includes accounts of the Trent Affair written by British and Northern politicians, as well as participants*Includes a bibliography for further reading*Includes a table of contents“Mr. Seward … is exerting himself to provoke a quarrel with all Europe, in that spirit of senseless egotism which induces the Americans, with their dwarf fleet and shapeless mass of incoherent squads which they call an army, to fancy themselves the equal of France by land and Great Britain by sea.” – The London ChronicleIn November 1861, the American Civil War was still a relatively young conflict, and both sides were still jockeying for the upper hand. The Confederates had won the First Battle of Bull Run in July, and there had not been any major battles in the West, but the Union had also pushed the Confederates out of West Virginia and George McClellan was about to organize the Army of the ...
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4.5 stars from 6 ratings