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Dr. Beenish Masood, Margaret Childs
Publisher: Healthy Life Ltd.
Pages: 82

Are you looking for ways to manage your child's ADD (or ADHD) without medication? This book includes natural, proven-to-work remedies for adults, teens, kids, toddlers. You'll learn ways to improve your:MotivationRelationshipsAbility to get stuff doneSelf-EsteemAttention spanSleeping PatternsYour Diet & Health (including foods & essential oils)Short & Long Term MemoryIf you're a parent, you're about to discover the best things you can do to help your child be successful in school and with other kids. If you're an adult, you're about to learn some incredibly simple, yet effective ways to focus on tasks to not only improve your career, but your relationships too."I believe that many of the smartest, most creative people that have walked the face of the planet, have Attention Deficit Disorder, so it is nothing to be ashamed of, but instead something to learn how to dance with instead of ...
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4.5 stars from 39 ratings