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Geniuz Gamer
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 96

One of the Hottest Ultimate Survival Handbook Guides of the year!!!ULTIMATE SURVIVAL HANDBOOK: ~~First hand secrets revealed~~ (with step-by-step instructions) Hello there dear reader! First of all let me thank you for picking-up this eBook and deciding to give it a shot! If this is your first time reading one of my eBooks then this section will tell just what you can expect to learn here and how the information will be presented. To put it as simply as possible, this eBook will show you a detailed step-by-step guide on how to survive and repel any possible danger. Since this aims to be a definitive guide, we’ve included everything: Screenshots, crafting recipes, survival tips, as well as a little bit of fun trivia. By the end of this eBook you’ll learn all the insiders tricks and secrets how to survive along with the extra bonus tips in form of trivia and fun facts. Your friends will ...
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4.5 stars from 137 ratings