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Charles River Editors
Publisher: Charles River Editors
Pages: 189

*Includes pictures*Includes ancient accounts of the battles*Describes how the Greeks and Persians fought on land and at sea, as well as the weapons they used*Includes a bibliography for further reading*Includes a table of contentsThe Ancient Greeks have long been considered the forefathers of modern Western civilization, but the Golden Age of Athens and the spread of Greek influence across much of the known world only occurred due to one of the most crucial battles of antiquity: the Battle of Marathon. In 491 B.C., following a successful invasion of Thrace over the Hellespont, the Persian emperor Darius sent envoys to the main Greek city-states, including Sparta and Athens, demanding tokens of earth and water as symbols of submission, but Darius didn’t exactly get the reply he sought. According to Herodotus in his famous Histories, “Xerxes however had not sent to Athens or to Sparta ...
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4.5 stars from 4 ratings