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Quick Start Guides
Publisher: Erin Rose Publishing
Pages: 125

If you suspect, or have just discovered, that you are allergic or intolerant to lactose, then this Quick Start Guide to removing lactose from your diet is for you! This easy to follow book takes a comprehensive approach to understanding lactose and its effect on your body, and provides simple steps to going dairy and lactose-free!By following the guidelines in this book you can put an end to digestive problems caused by lactose, lose weight, feel great and unleash a healthier and happier you!PLUS! 100 delicious and easy Dairy-Free recipes! - Give up dairy and lactose for good!- Put an end to digestive problems caused by lactose!- Lose weight, feel healthier and increase your energy levels!- Discover what you can eat and why!- Plus 100 delicious dairy-free recipes!
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 29 ratings