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Lisa Rusczyk, 50 Things To Know
Publisher: 50 Things to Know
Pages: 26

Are you looking for reflection, evaluation, and self-growth? If you answered yes to this question then this book is for you...50+ Questions to Ask for Personal Growth by Dr. Lisa Rusczyk, founder of 50 Things to Know Books offers an approach to easily ask yourself or someone else in your life questions for growth in you relationship. Most books on self-help tell you the answers to questions, but this book will let you answer the questions yourself. In these pages you'll discover more about yourself and other in your life. This book will help you focus on moving forward. By the time you finish this book, you will ask yourself questions you may have never thought to ask in the past. So grab YOUR copy today. You'll be glad you did.For each 50 Things to Know book that is sold (not including free days), 10 cents is given to teaching and learning. Go to to find ...
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4.5 stars from 5 ratings