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Kenzie Silver
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Pages: 14

Three frat boys Daniel, Chris and Matt live within a stone's throw of the weird and mysterious Chase Biological Labs. One night after some drunken antics, they discover a weirdly glowing canister of pink goo in the wall that someone stole from the laboratory. When Matt tries to remove it from the wall, some spills all over his hand and before they even know what's happening, Chris and Daniel watch their frat brother undergo a highly unusual and erotic transformation into the hottest babe on campus! Now that he's a sex-crazed bimbo Matt can hardly keep his hands off his friends not that they're complaining! With his thoughts quickly turning to hot and steamy threesomes between the three friends, will he ever be his old self again? More importantly, how long will Daniel and Chris be able to resist their tempting new roomie's tight, perky bod?
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 2 ratings