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Carmen Jenner
Publisher: Carmen Jenner
Pages: 351

When I was ten, my father indoctrinated me into the family.A brotherhood who would fight, protect, and give their lives for one another. A club whose ties ran thicker than blood, murkier than the dirt and grime that tainted my soul. Stronger than the bonds that connected me to my own family.A band of brothers, where loyalty was kept and paid in a currency of blood.When I was twenty-seven, I betrayed that brotherhood.I’ve spent every day since running, avoiding paying back that debt.My name is Daniel Johnson. I have betrayed everyone I ever loved.And I’ll betray her too.This is my story—if you’re screwed up enough to want to read it.Warning: KICK contains graphic violence, profanity, drug use, and explicit sexual situations of a taboo nature. Intended for an 18+ audience only. Not intended for pussies.
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 228 ratings