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M.G. Hawking
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Pages: 168

Special 2021 Edition. If you're concerned about the current state of the world, the political turmoil in our country, the well-being of yourself and your family, and the future of our civilization, this book is an important read.On an extended trek into the vast wilderness of the Himalayas, explorer M.G. Hawking chanced on an extraordinary opportunity. A series of adventures led him to an ancient Oracle Temple in the highlands of Tibet where he encountered a true shamanistic Oracle from the esoteric B'on wisdom tradition. The author's discussions with the Oracle covered a wide range of subjects, revealing a series of profound insights.A brief excerpt of the Oracle's comments regarding our present civilization:"The life of a government springs from the life of its people, the life of the people from the life of their mind, hence the life of their mind determines the future of their land. ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 7 ratings