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Nikki Mathis Thompson
Publisher: Nikki Mathis Thompson
Pages: 217

Georgia Bristol’s life hasn’t turned out the way she’d imagined…but it’s a good life.Despite that fact, she finds herself yearning for something she can’t define. Haunted by the choices of her youth. Regrets. Everyone has them. What if? Everyone wonders at times. Lost in town a few heartbeats shy of deserted, Georgia encounters a mysterious woman who gives her a second chance to regain the life she thought she missed out on. Some say getting lost is the best way to find where you’re going. And sometimes everything must be stripped away before you realize that what you have, is what you wanted all along. The Space Between is one woman’s unconventional journey to regain what she holds dear, filled with heartbreak, friendship, and love. A thought provoking tale that will have you relating to her struggles and celebrating her triumphs.
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 26 ratings