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Charles River Editors
Publisher: Charles River Editors
Pages: 151

*Includes pictures*Includes accounts of the construction of both buildings during the 19th century*Includes bibliographies for further reading*Includes a table of contents“The cornerstone was laid by Washington in 1793; the terrace was finished nearly a hundred years later, in 1891; and yet the Capitol will never be complete while the nation lasts. The impress of each succeeding generation will be found upon its walls, marking the intellectual, artistic and governmental advancement of the age. The great pile is national, American, human. On its walls is written the nation's history. Its corridors resound to the footsteps of her living heroes and sages; its every stone echoes the departed voices of her greatest dead.” – George HazeltonFor over two centuries, the capital of America has been located in Washington, D.C., and among all the iconic landmarks and monuments associated with the ...
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 19 ratings