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Charles River Editors
ASIN: B00U3Y248E
Publisher: Charles River Editors
Pages: 176

*Includes pictures*Includes accounts of the fighting written by soldiers and generals*Includes a bibliography for further reading*Includes a table of contentsFrench emperor Napoleon Bonaparte was not a man made for peacetime. By 1812, he had succeeded in subduing most of his enemies – though in Spain, the British continued to be a perpetual thorn in his flank that drained the Empire of money and troops – but his relationship with Russia, never more than one of mutual suspicion at best, had now grown downright hostile. At the heart of it, aside from the obvious mistrust that two huge superpowers intent on dividing up Europe felt for one another, was Napoleon’s Continental blockade. Russia had initially agreed to uphold the blockade in the Treaty of Tilsit, but they had since taken to ignoring it altogether. Napoleon wanted an excuse to teach Russia a lesson, and in early 1812 his spies ...
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4.5 stars from 4 ratings