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Emily Rosewood
ASIN: B00V54LB62
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Pages: 57

Dirty Doctors: INNOCENT AND UNTOUCHED (3 Book Box Set)**FIRST TIME, MEDICAL EROTICA**MY FIRST TIMEPart of growing up means going to the doctor for that intimate yearly exam that leaves young, inexperienced Cynthia feeling a bit nervous. Now that she's really ready, she's willing to obey her doctor's orders.MY DOUBLE DOSAGEGrace is warned by her best friend that she should plan a visit to the gynecologist, just to be safe and for peace of mind. Innocent Grace hasn't had a need to visit one in the past. But now, she must face her fear of doctors and schedule an extremely thorough exam.MY DEEP TREATMENTWhen untouched and innocent Katie decides to go to that intimate exam for the first time, Dr. Walsh uses an x-rated machine in the private exam room that opens her up to an unexpected fantasy.
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 24 ratings