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Al Argo
Publisher: Positive Impact Publishing
Pages: 71

This book can help you get your day started right!If your day starts right, you can guarantee a more productive, passionate & fulfilling God honoring day.Each day is important and unique and you need to prepare well to meet your opportunity!In this book learn and discover:- The 7 daily habits to guarantee success and significance- A powerful prayer that’s prayed daily by millions even before getting out of bed - A powerful technique to put you at the top of your chosen career or field of service- Multiple reasons why you must NOT skip breakfast & what you should be eating (and avoiding)- The one technique that can make ALL the difference- A complete system to minimize problems and maximize opportunities - How to decide what to do and when to do it- A powerful technique that few practice but all should – it’s simple but life changing - What to do right before you walk out of your door ...
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5 stars from 5 ratings