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Philipp Winterberg
Publisher: Philipp Winterberg
Pages: 15

Bilingual Children's Book English-Scottish Gaelic“Am I small?” - Tamia is not sure and keeps asking various animals that she meets on her journey. Eventually she finds the surprising answer... Reviews"This is baby's favorite book!" —Amazon Customer Review from the United States"for children who enjoy lingering over pages full of magical creatures and whimsical details [...] told in simple and engaging words and imaginative pictures.”—Kirkus Reviews"This has been my daughter's favourite book since she was 4 months old. The sentences are nice and short so she doesn't lose interest in the pictures while I'm reading each page." —Amazon Customer Review from the UK"Muito legal esse livro. Singelo, divertido e relacionado ao universo da criança. Bom pra desenvolver o vocabulário. As ilustrações são lindas. Meu filho adorou." —Amazon Customer Review from Brazil"You are small or big depending on ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 11 ratings