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Darren Dash
Publisher: Home Of The Damned Ltd
Pages: 355

When three friends go on holiday to Bulgaria, protecting themselves from sunburn is their only real concern, but when they run into a nightmarish beast unlike any they've ever imagined in the forested hills far from civilization, their vacation becomes a savage fight for survival."The beast licked its upper lip, teasing dried flakes of blood, remembering other bright nights when it had hunted and killed and wallowed in thick red juices. The beast could manoeuvre in total darkness but preferred nights like this, when it could see the blood dripping from its fingers, the terror in the eyes of its victims, its guts shifting sinuously as it ripped with its fangs and swallowed."Not for the faint of heart or weak of stomach, Sunburn will introduce you to a monster like none you've seen before. The question is -- will you survive the encounter or will your torn flesh and splintered bones be ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 75 ratings