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50 Things To Know, Rochel Rieb Maday
Publisher: CZYK Publishing
Pages: 27

Have you always wanted to garden but think you don't have the room?Do you dream of easier gardening techniques?Do you long for a larger variety of produce that grows quicker?If you answered yes to any of these questions then this book is for you...50 Things to Know about Square Food Gardening: Maximizing Your Produce Production by Rochel Rieb Maday offers an approach to an easier gardening experience with fabulous results.Most books on gardening tell you to garden in traditional rows.Although there's nothing wrong with that, square foot gardening can provide more produce with less space.Based on knowledge from the world's leading experts, square foot gardening is the smarter way to garden.In these pages you'll discover how to construct a square foot gardening plot.This book will help you see the benefits that this method of gardening offers.By the time you finish this book, you will ...
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