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S. A. Tawks
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 542

Let Your Cracks Destroy You. A misadventure has no apparent purpose. Only a misadventurer can understand why they choose a certain misadventure. To be misadventurous is to be selfish. Being misadventurous requires a sacrifice of reputation. The size of the sacrifice depends on the extent of the misadventure. For a misadventurer, reputation is of no concern. A misadventurer's only concern is doing something memorable. Something worth talking about. Percy has been mistreated and misinformed for most of his childhood. His mother has moulded him into someone she wants him to be. Only through experiences out of the sight of his mother's eye does he discover there's more to life than what he's been taught. He discovers that the future his mother has been building is not for him. By being misadventurous, Percy sets out to create his own future.
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4 stars from 4 ratings