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Diane Queenston
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 32

Escaping the pressures of a busy job and a relationship that seems to be going nowhere, executive chef Martina Rune often ventures to the forest clearing that forms the tropical southern border of her five-star restaurant. Here this spunky talented woman enjoys sketching the likeness of a mysterious bear creature that she sees there each night. Boasting the fangs and the body of a wild bear, the creature is nonetheless a gentle sort who provides her endless comfort and companionship. One day before work, a gorgeous young Frenchman approaches Martina in search of a job at the restaurant. After proving his worth in the kitchen, the stunning and mysterious Emmanuel immediately scores a position as a sous chef at La Fleur, her deluxe eatery. The two form a close, warm friendship based on common interests; one that provides an escape from her faltering and tempestuous romance ...
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4 stars from 2 ratings