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James Morcan, Lance Morcan
Publisher: Sterling Gate Books
Pages: 159

MEDICAL INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX: The $ickness Industry, Big Pharma and Suppressed Cures is a no-holds barred critique of mainstream medicine and the various players who make up one of the largest and most profitable industries on the planet.Written by novelists, filmmakers and independent researchers James Morcan & Lance Morcan, with a foreword by retired pharmacist Denis Toovey (author of Better Health for You: An Insider's Big Picture Guide), this explosive book explores the contention that Big Pharma and other participants in the healthcare sector put profits ahead of patients’ wellbeing and dollars ahead of lives. MEDICAL INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX leaves no doubt that something has run amuck in the medical field, and what should be the noblest profession has been severely compromised by the various conflicting interests. The authors examine this in language anyone can understand. In the ...
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 26 ratings