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Erica Stewart
Pages: 65

Discover How to Learn Portuguese in Just One Week with This Easy to Learn Method **** This is a Proven Step by Step Method to Learning Portuguese as an English Speaker - +1000 Common Phrases Included **** As an educator for more than 20 years, I’m a fan of teaching others. And there is no greater challenge than to learn a language. Learning Portuguese is such a challenge, but enriching on so many levels. It’s not only an intellectual challenge, but imagine transforming your travel experiences, allowing you to connect with new and interesting people, or even live or study in places like Rio or Lisboa! In essence, it’s a journey to become more open minded about the world, discovering amazing new people in the process. Learning is not the obsessive command of structures and vocabulary, but the willingness to overcome our most basic fears and insecurities. Over the course of this book, I ...
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4 stars from 84 ratings